This course develops needed written and oral communication skills for use in business. It features an introduction to communications, structure and style of the English language, being an effective listener, business vocabulary, and the applied practice of oral communications in an office environment.
This course gives students training in job search procedures. It demonstrates ways to decide on job objectives, locate unlisted jobs, identify possible employers and research them in ad¬vance, develop a personal contact network, and practice interviewing skills. At the conclusion of the course, each student generates a complete and updated resume, and learns how to write effective letters of introduction, thanks and follow -up.
This course teaches the student to learn and apply main keyboarding techniques in blind typing and demonstrate a typing speed of 30- 40 wpm upon course completion.
This course allows students to obtain basic knowledge of the “Windows Operating System” giving them the ability to navigate a computer (PC) and access the Internet.
This course teaches the student to produce documents using word processing techniques for keying, editing, formatting, printing, and to apply a variety of templates to speed up the production of documents.
This course teaches the student to produce spreadsheets, handle and analyze data, utilize worksheet formulas and functions and apply “Excel” templates to generate standard documents.
This course enables the student to implement “PowerPoint” as a presentation builder, learn and utilize “Outlook” information management features, and compose, receive/send E-mail messages and documents.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to identify how the Internet works and know the uses of and issues relating to Social Media in information organizations and related disciplines.
This course enables the student to create and manage databases and to merge data using MS-Access.
This is a course for students who are recent immigrants or who have not improved their English since coming to the USA. The students are not expected to be absolute beginners and will have had some contact with the language, even if passively. Basic sentence construction, spelling, punctuation and grammar are the featured class subjects.
This course introduces students to basic conversation practice and begins simple reading and writing exercises. Dialogues and sentence structure are stressed. (Prerequisite: E I00)
Clear and organized writing skills and the further exercise of conversation, listening and phonetics are the topics of this class. (Prerequisites: E100 and E105).
Emphasizing conversation practice, this course reinforces grammar and vocabulary-building. It also continues the development of reading and writing skills. (Prerequisites: E100, E105 and E110)
Writing about specific topics in depth is introduced in this course. Students participate in group discussions and make oral presentations to the class as a whole. Work-related terminology (Particularly concerning the modern office environment) is introduced as new vocabulary. (Prerequisites: E100, E105, E110 and E115)
Development of effective business-related communications is stressed in this course. Students learn listening and note-taking, quick reading for comprehension, basic presentation techniques in the context of business and productive writing skills. (Prerequisites: E100, E105, E110, E115, and E120)
This course expands on the business communication techniques previously learned. New topics include telephone skills, problem solving and job interview skills. (Prerequisites: E100, E105, E110, E115, E120, and E125).
A final review of grammar and writing is the focus of this course. Basic and advanced business letter preparation is stressed to achieve certain desired goals, such as informing, replying and requesting. (Prerequisites: E100, E105, E110, E115, E120, E125, and E130)
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to utilize special software tools to make general ledger entries, handle banking procedures, calculate and produce payrolls, and generate special forms and reports.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to utilize special software tools to make general ledger entries, calculate and produce payrolls, generate special forms and reports.
This course teaches the student to produce documents using word processing techniques for keying, editing, formatting, printing, and to apply a variety of templates to speed up the production of documents.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to implement accounting procedures for merchandise inventory, calculate property cost, plant, and equipment. They will be capable to make assessment of capital expenditures and revenues.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to account for bad debts, account for notes, account for merchandise inventory, and account for property, plant, equipment, and prepare financial statements for a partnership.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to account for stocks and bonds, prepare a Statement of Cash Flow, and analyze financial statements.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to prepare an income tax return for an individual.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to compute payroll amounts and prepare all payroll records in compliance with FLSA regulations.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to prepare an income tax return for a partnership or a corporation.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to implement a mathematical approach and apply math operations to calculate business data.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to distinguish basic medical office forms and documents, implement and utilize medical terminology to fill out basic documents.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to distinguish advanced medical office forms and documents, implement and utilize medical terminology to fill out advanced charts and forms.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to define most common medical office procedures and handle basic medical office routines.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to utilize the emerging technology of the Electronic Health Record through conceptual theory and hands-on application needed to work in today’s medical office.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to produce insurance claims, handle billing procedures, and enter and manage medical records.
Upon completion of the course students will demonstrate advanced knowledge of medical insurance and billing and be able to understand and process Medicare/Medicaid claims.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to distinguish basic concepts and features of the human body and its musculoskeletal system
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to distinguish advanced vocabulary and concepts relating to the human body’s nervous and circulatory/organ systems, biochemistry, reproductive system, and illnesses and emergency conditions.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to identify the main components of contemporary Medical Law and Biomedical Ethics and understand their importance in a small to mid-sized medical practice environment.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to distinguish and apply proper aseptic techniques including sterilization and autoclave, as well as medical waste disposal techniques.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to distinguish the basic principles of operation and calibration of EKG systems.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to distinguish basic medical office clinical procedures used for routine visits and examinations.
Upon Completion of the course students will be able to distinguish procedures for what to do and how to act during a medical office emergency involving patients with acute medical episodes and/or with trauma injuries.
*ESL stand-alone program is not accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE) and does not qualify for Financial Aid.
Course Codes: ESL I-VIII (Standalone courses)
Course Requirements: (in sequential order by course)
This is a course for students who are recent immigrants or who have not improved their English since coming to the USA. The students are not expected to be absolute beginners and will have had some contact with the language, even if passively. Basic sentence construction, spelling, punctuation and grammar are the featured class subjects.
This course introduces students to basic conversation practice and begins simple reading and writing exercises. Dialogues and sentence structure are stressed. (Prerequisite: E 100s)
Clear and organized writing skills and the further exercise of conversation, listening and phonetics are the topics of this class. (Prerequisites: E100s and E105s).
Emphasizing conversation practice, this course reinforces grammar and vocabulary-building. It also continues the development of reading and writing skills. (Prerequisites: E100s, E105s and E110s)
Writing about specific topics in depth is introduced in this course. Students participate in group discussions and make oral presentations to the class as a whole. Vocabulary expansion and advanced grammar including the present perfect tense and conditionals round out the course. (Prerequisites: E100s, E105s, E110s and E115s)
Development of effective conversation skills and knowledge of specific subjects such as health, safety, the law and business transactions are included in this course. Advanced grammar techniques including the passive voice and unreal conditionals are covered. Reading for ideas from details and summarizing with precision are developed also. (Prerequisites: E100s, E105s, E110s, E115s, and E120s)
Modals, all advanced verb tenses and direct/indirect speech are reflected in the grammar study at this level. Reading for cause and effect and making predictions about a story/current events are covered in both comprehension and conversation practice. (Prerequisites: E100s, E105s, E110s, E115s, E120s, and E125s)
A final review of grammar and writing is the focus of this course. Basic and advanced business letter preparation is stressed to achieve certain desired goals, such as informing, replying and requesting. (Prerequisites: E100, E105, E110, E115, E120, E125, and E130)