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Grades Assigned At The Completion Of A Course Are As Follows:

Letter Grade Number Equivalent Quality Index
A 90-100 4.0
B+ 85-89 3.5
B 80-84 3.0
C+ 75-79 2.5
C 70-74 2.0
D 65-69 1.0
F 64 or less 0.0
W __ __
U __ __
I __ __
*W  – Withdrawal *U – Unofficial Withdrawal/ Dismissal * I – Incomplete

Passing Grades

A student’s level of academic progress and class standing will be classified using the letter grades of “A” through “D” for courses successfully completed. Other grades are not evaluated as coursework successfully completed: “F” (fail), “I” (incomplete), “W” (withdrawal), and/or “U” (unofficial withdrawal/dismissal) fall into this category.

The minimum passing grade for all courses is 65%

Final course grades include the following components:

Examinations 50%
Class Participation 30%
Projects and assignments 20%

Course Results

A final grade may be given to any student by the instructor on the last day of the course. Students receive an Academic Progress Report after each term or other appropriate achievement point in the program.

Low and Failing Grades

A student who fails a course must repeat and pass the course within the program’s maximum time frame. Repeating failed courses will incur additional financial charges, as the student will be attending beyond the contracted program hours. Cost for repeating the failed course will amount to the cost of the full tuition charged to the said course.

Any student who does not complete an entire course in the program sequence, or who does not make up the hours and work within the term, will immediately receive a grade of “F”. A student who in this manner fails a course must repeat and pass the failed course before continuing for additional credit.

Higher grades appearing on a student’s transcript will be included in the calculation of student GPA scores if they surpass the previous low or failing grades.

Credit will be given only if all failed courses are repeated within the time frame of the original course, plus any additional extensions approved by the Administration.

Incomplete Grades

An “Incomplete” (“I”) is a grade assigned when the student has almost completed the course requirements, but due to reasonable and unforeseen circumstances beyond the stu-dent’s control, failed to finish to the end. Reasonable causes include illness, death in the immediate family, personal emergencies and special appointments etc. requiring official documentation.

It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor within the extension period and arrange for completion. A two (2) week extension is granted to resolve the problem after which, an official letter grade will be assigned by the instructor.

If the student fails to pursue completion and the instruc¬tor does not submit a grade change form by the end of the two-week extension period, the Registrar will automatically assign a grade of “F”(Fail) for the course.


Students who withdraw from a course before the midpoint of the term will be given a grade of “W”. A student who withdraws after the mid-term officially gets the grade obtained at that specific point in the course in which the student last attended. To officially withdraw, a student must file the appropriate form with the Admissions Office. It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from the school. Failure to formally withdraw may result in the student getting a “U” (Unofficial Withdrawal), failing grades, dismissal and additional financial obligations.

Disputed Grades

Any disputes in grades should be addressed to the faculty at the time that the grades are distributed. If a student feels that the final grade for a course has been reached by an error, or that he or she has been graded unfairly for the course, it is crucial that the student immediately notify the Education Office so that a correct determination can be made. Immediate notification is of utmost importance most especially for courses that are sequential since failure in these courses significantly impacts on the student’s continuation in the program.

A The student must send a written request for grade review within ten (10) business days after official receipt of the grade report to be considered for re-evaluation. For a non-required (Elective) course, the student has three (3) weeks or 15 business days after the course end date to notify the Education Office about a disputed grade.

A student who is dissatisfied with the resolution of his/her problem may submit a grievance in writing (See School Grievance Procedure) at the earliest convenience for immediate action.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

Student academic work is reviewed regularly during attendance at Metropolitan Learning Institute to verify students’ progress toward their educational objective. At each evaluation point, students are expected to meet the mini­mum standards of academic achievement and attendance rate specified on the following charts for their program of study. Satisfactory progress standards apply to all students enrolled at Metropolitan Learning Institute.

There is a limit to the period of time in which a student may complete his or her program, which is called the maximum time frame. The maximum time frame for each program is listed in the Program Outlines section of this catalog under the heading, Maximum Time Frame and Evaluation Points. The time for an approved leave of absence or any delay that occurs if a student must wait to join the first appropriate class group following a leave of absence is not included in the calculation of a student’s maximum program length.

In order to gradu­ate from Metropolitan Learning Institute, all sequential courses must be successfully completed (a grade of “D” or higher). Any student failing to successfully complete a course the first time must repeat the course, and thus will necessarily continue beyond the standard length of the program.

Satisfactory progress standards vary according to the selected program of study and the number of terms involved. Program-specific criteria are specified on the Minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements charts below.

Minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements

Standard Program Length of Two or Four Terms : New York Locations

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3/4
Cumulative Grade Point Average 2.0 2.0 2.0
Cumulative Attendance 90% 90% 90%

Probation Period Allowed

if standards are not met ?

Yes Yes None
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5* Term 6

Cumulative Grade Point Average

2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Cumulative Course Completion 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%

Probation Period Allowed

if standards are not met ?

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None

*Terms 5/6 refer to students who are on probation, take leave or have other special circumstances.

Failure To Meet Satisfactory Progress Standards

Metropolitan Learning Institute recognizes that students progress at variable rates; that some students may require some kind of assistance in the form of academic support and personal counseling. To meet this need, MLI offers the services of Faculty Tutors and Advisors through the Campus Directors and Managers who can work with students to address their weaknesses and help them catch up with their peers. Students having difficulty with progressing in a satisfactory manner are strongly urged to take advantage of remedial and counseling assistance available in the school to avoid any of the following:


Probation is a warning and an indication to the student that changes must occur in his/her performance if he/she is to progress satisfactorily in the program. It is initiated in response to patterns of behavior or performance which interfere with a student’s progress in meeting course/program objectives.

The probation process is a means of identifying student problem(s) in writing, specifying changes that must occur together with a plan to correct the problem, describing what actions have taken place to address the problem and determining progressive improvement on the part of the student. Once probation is initiated, conferences and written notations will indicate student progress toward meeting course/program objectives. Probation length varies and will depend on the types of, and resolution of the problem(s).

Students enrolled in 1500 hour programs of three or more terms or 750 hour programs of two terms will be placed on academic probation (at the end of certain evaluation points) if the minimum course completion or grade point average requirements have not been met.

In order to be offered academic probation until the next evaluation point, (the term in which the student failed to meet applicable requirements must allow for a probationary status), a student must not have previously been on probation, and the student must agree to participate in any corrective measures recommended by the Education Office to strengthen academic performance.

Any student who does not meet the required academic standards by the next evaluation point will be dismissed.


In class or in any given learning environment, violation of acceptable conduct or behavior can result in suspension for a period determined by the School/Program Director. (See Student Code for a list of violations leading to suspension).

During suspension, the student will be marked absent for the hours missed and will be responsible for any consequences resulting from such absence. The student is expected to use this time to consider or evaluate his/her problems in light of possible termination from the program. Staff counseling will be made available to the student.

Appeal of Suspension

Any student who wishes to appeal the grounds for suspension should, in writing, immediately notify the School/Program Director and request for a formal review of the case. The School/Program Director will inform the student of his/her decision no more than one week after the appeal is received. The Campus Director’s decision is final.


Besides the academic probation exception noted above for students participating in certain programs, a student who does not meet either the minimum academic achievement (GPA) or successful course completion stan­dards at any evaluation point may not continue at Metropolitan Learning Institute as a regular student. (See Student Code for a list of violations leading to dismissal).

MLI reserves the right to dismiss any student whose attendance, conduct, or academic standing does not meet the school’s standards. Students who have been suspended or dismissed may be reinstated only upon the approval of the School/Program Director. All suspensions and dismissals are determined on an individual basis and may be subject to review by the school President.

A student who is dismissed from the program will be notified by the School/Program Director in writing. The dismissal letter will be dated and will explain the cause for the dismissal. Contacting the lending institution (if the student has a student loan or is on financial aid) about the dismissal shall be the responsibility of the student.

Appeal of Dismissal

A student dismissed for substandard progress and who claims extenuating circumstances can appeal the decision to dismiss him/her. A death in the immediate family, personal injury or illness on the part of the student, and other interrupting factors unique to the student’s situation are considered to be extenuating circumstances.

A student wishing to appeal a dismissal must do so by writing a letter of intent to appeal and must make an appointment for an interview with the School/Program Director or his/her designee. The written request should include the following:

  • 1. Student’s full name, social security number, and current address.
  • 2. Statement of the concern/appeal including dates, times, people and circumstances which brought about the dismissal or failure to meet academic standards.
  • 3. The student’s reasons for requesting reinstatement.
  • 4. Documentation supporting the appeal, including faculty recommendations.
  • 5. The letter must be dated and signed by the student
  • 6. Three dates in which the student would be available for a meeting.

The Campus Director or his/her designee will notify the student in writing of the appointment date on which the concerns and/or appeal will be addressed. A Grievance Committee or Appeals Panel may be convened to hear the issues and will be asked to assist in bringing resolution to student concerns and appeals. Every effort will be made to bring an amicable closure to the concern.

The Campus Director and the Appeals Panel will act on the student’s appeal within 21 calendar days of its receipt and will notify the student in writing, of the outcome of the meeting. The joint decision of the Campus Director or his/her designee and the Appeals Panel is final. If no resolution is achieved, the complaint is forwarded to the President for review. The President makes a decision and informs the student in writing. If a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student will require further assistance at a level outside of the school.

Reinstatement to school as a result of a successful appeal takes two steps: first, as a non-regular student and then as a regular student. Reinstatement entails additional stipulations and will require the student to correct his/her academic status within a specified time that will not exceed the equivalent of one evaluation period.

Student Appeals / Comprehensive Dispute



The Faculty, Staff and Administration of Metropolitan Learning Institute maintains an open door policy by which students could voice their concerns or complaints. Students who wish to be anonymous have access to a suggestion box which is checked weekly by the Campus Director.

Attempts are made to resolve written concerns/complaints within one week after receipt. A student who is dissatisfied with the response or decision may activate the grievance procedure for further investigation to rectify or solve the problem. Metropolitan Learning Institute follows due process in the resolution of student complaints. A student who feels dissatisfied with the resolution of a problem may submit a grievance in writing to the School/Program Director or his/her designee. Resolution of the conflict will follow MLI protocols. Adherence to the School Grievance Procedure described below shall be enforced:

Level 1.
Within one week (5 business days) after receipt of the written complaint, the student attempts to resolve the grievance with the faculty/staff concerned in a calm, respectful and professional atmosphere. If unsuccessful, the student takes the grievance to the next level.
Level 2.
Within one week (5 business days) after the first unsuccessful attempt at resolution, the student seeks the intervention of the School/Program Director to discuss, mediate, arbitrate, or rectify the situation. Most complaints are usually settled or discharged at this level. The School/Program Director makes a decision and formally informs the involved parties in writing within 3 days after the meeting. If a satisfactory result is not achieved, the student goes one level further to try to attempt further resolution. In situations where the grievance directly involves the Program or Campus Director, the student attempts to resolve the problem directly with the Grievance Committee or Appeals Panel (see Level 3).
Level 3.

The student attempts to resolve the problem with the Grievance Committee or Appeals

Panel. The Committee / Panel is convened within 10 school days after receipt of the complaint.

The Committee shall consist of the following:

a. Chair, Grievance Committee or Appeals Panel

b. Two (2) Full time Faculty representatives (randomly picked and not involved with the grievance issue)

c. Two (2) Student representatives (randomly picked and not involved with the grievance issue) The Committee / Appeals Panel hears the case, discusses the issues and makes a decision within 5 school days after meeting with the concerned parties. The Chair informs the student/involved parties of the decision in writing. If the student is still dissatisfied with the decision, the complaint is forwarded to the Campus Director

Level 4.
The Campus Director analyzes factual information, hears the student, makes a decision within 5 school days of the receipt of the complaint, and informs the student in writing. If a satisfactory resolution is not achieved at this level, the issue is forwarded to the School President.
Level 5.
The School President analyzes factual information, hears the student, makes a decision within 5 school days of the receipt of the complaint, and informs the student in writing. If a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student will require further assistance at a level outside of the school.
Level 6.
If the student feels that the school has not adequately addressed the concern or complaint, the student may consider contacting:

For the New York Location, contact:

The New York State Education Department at:

New York State Education Department Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision
116 West 32nd Street, 5th Floor New York, New York 10001
(212) 643-4760

See Appendix B (What You Should Know About Licensed Private Schools and Registered Business Schools in New York State) for more detail instructions on filing a complaint to the New York State Education Department.

To be considered, the student must file a formal written complaint to the agency concerned who then forwards a copy of the complaint to the school for a response. The agency will keep the complainant informed of the status of the complaint and the final resolution of the problem. It is strongly recommended that students first try to resolve complaints directly with the school unless there is strong reason to believe that the student would be penalized for filing a complaint. Students are advised to discuss the issues/problems with teachers, department heads, the Campus Director or the President and to use the school’s internal grievance procedure before utilizing outside help.

Should it be necessary to directly file a complaint with the New York State Education Department students should advise the above mentioned agencies of any action/s taken to attempt to resolve the complaint.

The Council of Occupational Education
7840 Roswell Road, Building 300, Suite 325
Atlanta, GA 30350
(770) 396-3898

Reinstatement as a Non-Regular/ Regular Student

Reinstatement as a Non-Regular Student:

The school will give the student permission to return to MLI as a non-regular student to correct his or her academic status within a specific period. The specified period will not exceed the equivalent of one evaluation period. The student will not be charged for tuition for the period of attendance as a non-regular student.

Reinstatement as a Regular Student:

If a non-regular student shows, after retaking courses or improving skills, that he or she is ready and motivated to continue in the program, the student can apply for reinstatement to MLI as a regular student. The appropriate Campus Director will consider the reinstatement, which will be approved or disapproved depending on an evaluation of the student’s work. After reinstatement, the student will be on probation until the next evaluation point. While on probation, the student will be required to abide by any measures recommended by the Director or face dismissal.

A student who is reinstated will be required to meet the provisions of the Metropolitan Learning Institute’s catalog that are in effect on the date of reinstatement.

Graduation Requirements

New York Location:

Students will be ready for graduation when they fulfill the following conditions:

  • 1. Hold at least a 2.0 Grade Point Average.
  • 2. Successfully complete all courses attempted.
  • 3. Attend a minimum of 90% of the program hours (1385 clock hours or more/68 hours per module).
  • 4. Receive a passing grade in each sequential course in the program.


Students with Federal Student Loans are required to participate in an exit interview with a representative from the Office of Financial Aid. Metropolitan Learning Institute will withhold the academic transcripts and credentials of any student who fails to meet all financial obligations to the school such as tuition and fees due, or who fails to return books after graduation.

Credentials Awarded:

A Diploma is awarded from MLI to all students who meet graduation requirements for all programs requiring a high school diploma or equivalent for admission. For those programs which do not require a high school diploma or its equivalent, a Certificate will be awarded. A Certificate of Completion (not the same as the Diploma) will be awarded to all students who, despite finishing a program, do not meet the requirements for graduation.

Official Transcripts

Official transcript requests from other schools or organizations must be accompanied by a signed release from the student requesting the transcript and must be accompanied by a check or money order payable to Metropolitan Learning Insti¬tute in the amount of ten dollars ($10.00). Official transcripts will not be provided for any student who has not fulfilled all financial obligations to the school or whose records have been withheld.