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Rego Park (718) 897-0482 Brooklyn (718) 492-2120

Honor System:

MLI values academic honesty and integrity. The school believes in and uses the Honor System. Students are expected to do their own work without unauthorized or outside assistance during quizzes and examinations or in completing projects and assignments. Students, faculty, staff and administrators are expected to abide by the Honor Code within and outside the campus. It is an assumption that any work submitted by the student to satisfy academic requirements is his/her own. Violation of the Honor Code is a cause for disciplinary action. Examples of these are:

  • 1. Cheating on exams, problems, projects, special assignments, papers and other similar requirements.
  • 2. Plagiarism or use of materials prepared by commercial or non-commercial entities and submitted as own work.
  • 3. Copying or submission of another person’s work previously used in a given course.

Students experiencing learning difficulties should seek assistance from their instructor/s, a tutor, skills lab personnel or any MLI staff member.

Standards Of Dress/digital Devices

In order to promote a climate of cooperative learning and to secure the safety and well-being of the Metropolitan Learning Institute community, students are expected to dress in attires appropriate to their school environment and to behave in a businesslike, mature manner. When not in uniform, professional attire must be worn when students are engaged in activities representing the school.

Business attire is strongly preferred, although not specifically required. MLI understands the financial burden this may pose to some students, but this must be viewed in the light of “dressing for success” towards the end of the courses and certainly during the interviewing process. Hats and headphones may not be worn [Although ‘ethnic’ headdress and religious head coverings, such as a hijab (veil) or yarmulke (skullcap), are permitted], and the use of portable or personal digital devices while in class or in a learning environment is strictly forbidden. Cell phone use is likewise prohibited during class periods. Smoking is strongly discouraged and will be allowed only in designated areas.

Any student who does not abide by the school’s dress policy will be suspended from school, noted as absent for time missed, and subject to any adverse consequences for such absences.

Nurse Aide/Patient Care Technician short-term programs require a uniform to be worn, details of this policy are provided to prospective students upon request.


In class or in any given learning environment, violation of acceptable conduct or behavior can result in suspension for a period determined by the School/Program Director.

Students will be suspended after one verbal warning for the following:

  • 1. Failure to abide by the school’s standards of academic integrity during tests, quizzes or examinations, plagiarism, using crib notes or other materials, talking to or copying from other students, and/or copying another student’s project or assignment.
  • 2. Smoking out of authorized areas.
  • 3. Eating or drinking where not permitted.
  • 4. Dressing inappropriately.
  • 5. Using lab facilities in lieu of attending scheduled classes.
  • 6. Continuing to use a computer terminal required for another class’s activity.

Students may be suspended immediately and without notice for the following:

  • 1. Damage to or vandalism of school property, or other members’ personal property.
  • 2. Demonstrated demeaning written / oral comments of an ethnic, sexist, or racist nature.
  • 3. Disruptive actions in the classroom including but not limited to:
    1. a. Frequent lateness,
    2. b. Repeatedly asking questions which are irrelevant, tangential or inappropriate to the subject being discussed,
    3. c. Being unnecessarily argumentative or contradictory,
    4. d. Frequent, unnecessary interruptions in class when the instructor or another student is talking,
    5. e. Reading or engaging in use of non-subject related material (newspapers, novels, games, etc.) while classes are in session, including browsing the Internet on a PC, cell phone or tablet device.
    6. f. Provocation of other students in the class.
    7. g. Persistent violation of school rules and regulations.
  • 4. Unauthorized use of log-in passwords and/or ID of another student or staff member.
  • 5. Violations of Program Behavior Guidelines.
  • 6. Other inappropriate behavior or conduct deemed unethical or unprofessional by the faculty and administration.


Conditions for Dismissal: Students may be dismissed from the school for the following reasons:

  • 1. Academic Failure: Failure or withdrawal (Failing) in courses as per program policy.
  • 2. Attendance Issues.
    1. a. Frequent unexcused absences (see Attendance Policies).
    2. b. Absences of more than 10 consecutive days without proper written notice.
    3. c. Less than 90% attendance requirement for graduation.
    4. d. Inability to return from a leave-of-absence without proper notification/documentation.
    5. e. Failure to comply with make-up requirements by the end of a term.
  • 3. Financial Obligations: Failure to meet financial responsibilities to the school.
  • 4. Violations of Code of Conduct. The following violations of conduct are cause for immediate termination from MLI:
    1. a. Sexual harassment or assault. Sexual harassment is defined as unsolicited, non-reciprocated sexual behavior, including, but not limited to:
    2. a.1. Verbal comments and harassment, such as sexist remarks about a person’s body or sexual activities,
    3. a.2. Patting, pinching or unnecessary touching, and unwanted sexual advances and intimidation
    4. a.3. Subtle pressure or demands for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats regarding job or student status,
    5. a.4. Physical assault.

Any individual who considers himself / herself to be a victim of sexual harassment should contact the School/ Program Director and the MLI President. Administration shall take necessary steps to conduct a confidential investigation and take all appropriate measures to obtain factual and objective information. Disciplinary measures will be undertaken based on the nature and substantiated evidence of the complaint.

  • b. Use of, or acting under the influence of, alcoholic beverages within the school premises or any environment while on school business.
  • c. Physical abuse or use of abusive language, obscenities or violence in any form towards a peer, faculty, administrative or support staff and to others within the school premises or any learning environment.
  • d. Using, selling, processing, or distributing illegal drugs or other controlled substances on campus, or any environment while on school business.
  • e. Theft, unauthorized use, major destruction, damage or removal of school or other person’s property.
  • f. Activating or pulling a Fire Alarm, other emergency device or sensors in a non-emergency situation.
  • g. Falsification of documents.
  • h. Carrying or concealing firearms or any unlawful weapon within the school premises, or any environment while on school business.
  • i. Persistent violations of Professional Behavior Guidelines.
  • j. Persistent violation of school and other learning facility rules and regulations.

Any individual who considers himself / herself to be a victim of sexual harassment should contact the School/ Program Director and the MLI President. Administration shall take necessary steps to conduct a confidential investigation and take all appropriate measures to obtain factual and objective information. Disciplinary measures will be undertaken based on the nature and substantiated evidence of the complaint.

  • b. Use of, or acting under the influence of, alcoholic beverages within the school premises or any environment while on school business.
  • c. Physical abuse or use of abusive language, obscenities or violence in any form towards a peer, faculty, administrative or support staff and to others within the school premises or any learning environment.
  • d. Using, selling, processing, or distributing illegal drugs or other controlled substances on campus, or any environment while on school business.
  • e. Theft, unauthorized use, major destruction, damage or removal of school or other person’s property.
  • f. Activating or pulling a Fire Alarm, other emergency device or sensors in a non-emergency situation.
  • g. Falsification of documents.
  • h. Carrying or concealing firearms or any unlawful weapon within the school premises, or any environment while on school business.
  • i. Persistent violations of Professional Behavior Guidelines.
  • j. Persistent violation of school and other learning facility rules and regulations.

Standards Of Dress/Digital Devices

In order to promote a climate of cooperative learning and to secure the safety and well-being of the Metropolitan Learning Institute community, students are expected to dress in attires appropriate to their school environment and to behave in a businesslike, mature manner. When not in uniform, professional attire must be worn when students are engaged in activities representing the school.

Business attire is strongly preferred, although not specifically required. MLI understands the financial burden this may pose to some students, but this must be viewed in the light of “dressing for success” towards the end of the courses and certainly during the interviewing process. Hats and headphones may not be worn [Although ‘ethnic’ headdress and religious head coverings, such as a hijab (veil) or yarmulke (skullcap), are permitted], and the use of portable or personal digital devices while in class or in a learning environment is strictly forbidden. Cell phone use is likewise prohibited during class periods. Smoking is strongly discouraged and will be allowed only in designated areas.

Any student who does not abide by the school’s dress policy will be suspended from school, noted as absent for time missed, and subject to any adverse consequences for such absences.

Nurse Aide/Patient Care Technician short-term programs require a uniform to be worn, details of this policy are provided to prospective students upon request.


In class or in any given learning environment, violation of acceptable conduct or behavior can result in suspension for a period determined by the School/Program Director.

Students will be suspended after one verbal warning for the following:

  • 1. Failure to abide by the school’s standards of academic integrity during tests, quizzes or examinations, plagiarism, using crib notes or other materials, talking to or copying from other students, and/or copying another student’s project or assignment.
  • 2. Smoking out of authorized areas.
  • 3. Eating or drinking where not permitted.
  • 4. Dressing inappropriately.
  • 5. Using lab facilities in lieu of attending scheduled classes.
  • 6. Continuing to use a computer terminal required for another class’s activity.

Students may be suspended immediately and without notice for the following:

  • 1. Damage to or vandalism of school property, or other members’ personal property.
  • 2. Demonstrated demeaning written / oral comments of an ethnic, sexist, or racist nature.
  • 3. Disruptive actions in the classroom including but not limited to:
    1. a. Frequent lateness,
    2. b. Repeatedly asking questions which are irrelevant, tangential or inappropriate to the subject being discussed,
    3. c. Being unnecessarily argumentative or contradictory,
    4. d. Frequent, unnecessary interruptions in class when the instructor or another student is talking,
    5. e. Reading or engaging in use of non-subject related material (newspapers, novels, games, etc.) while classes are in session, including browsing the Internet on a PC, cell phone or tablet device.
    6. f. Provocation of other students in the class.
    7. g. Persistent violation of school rules and regulations.
  • 4. Unauthorized use of log-in passwords and/or ID of another student or staff member.
  • 5. Violations of Program Behavior Guidelines.
  • 6. Other inappropriate behavior or conduct deemed unethical or unprofessional by the faculty and administration.


Conditions for Dismissal: Students may be dismissed from the school for the following reasons:

  • 1. Academic Failure: Failure or withdrawal (Failing) in courses as per program policy.
  • 2. Attendance Issues.
    1. a. Frequent unexcused absences (see Attendance Policies).
    2. b. Absences of more than 10 consecutive days without proper written notice.
    3. c. Less than 90% attendance requirement for graduation.
    4. d. Inability to return from a leave-of-absence without proper notification/documentation.
    5. e. Failure to comply with make-up requirements by the end of a term.
  • 3. Financial Obligations: Failure to meet financial responsibilities to the school.
  • 4. Violations of Code of Conduct. The following violations of conduct are cause for immediate termination from MLI:
    1. a. Sexual harassment or assault. Sexual harassment is defined as unsolicited, non-reciprocated sexual behavior, including, but not limited to:
    2. a.1. Verbal comments and harassment, such as sexist remarks about a person’s body or sexual activities,
    3. a.2. Patting, pinching or unnecessary touching, and unwanted sexual advances and intimidation
    4. a.3. Subtle pressure or demands for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats regarding job or student status,
    5. a.4. Physical assault.

Any individual who considers himself / herself to be a victim of sexual harassment should contact the School/ Program Director and the MLI President. Administration shall take necessary steps to conduct a confidential investigation and take all appropriate measures to obtain factual and objective information. Disciplinary measures will be undertaken based on the nature and substantiated evidence of the complaint.

  • b. Use of, or acting under the influence of, alcoholic beverages within the school premises or any environment while on school business.
  • c. Physical abuse or use of abusive language, obscenities or violence in any form towards a peer, faculty, administrative or support staff and to others within the school premises or any learning environment.
  • d. Using, selling, processing, or distributing illegal drugs or other controlled substances on campus, or any environment while on school business.
  • e. Theft, unauthorized use, major destruction, damage or removal of school or other person’s property.
  • f. Activating or pulling a Fire Alarm, other emergency device or sensors in a non-emergency situation.
  • g. Falsification of documents.
  • h. Carrying or concealing firearms or any unlawful weapon within the school premises, or any environment while on school business.
  • i. Persistent violations of Professional Behavior Guidelines.
  • j. Persistent violation of school and other learning facility rules and regulations.

Crime Awareness And Campus Security

The U.S. Department of Education is committed to assisting schools in providing a safe environment for students to learn and staff to work, and in keeping parents and students well informed about campus security. For this reason, it is a requirement that schools must publish and distribute its annual campus security report to all enrolled students and current employees of the school, as well as prospective students and employees upon request (See Policies)

In accordance with federal law, Metropolitan Learning Institute reports and maintains a file on information regarding crime awareness and school security and makes available to present and prospective students and employees, pertinent annual campus/school information of occurring criminal incidents.

The following includes, but are not limited to, crimes representing a threat to students and employees that must be reported to campus security authorities or local police agencies:

  • 1. Criminal homicide including, (a) murder and non-negligent manslaughter, and (b) negligent manslaughter;
  • 2. Forcible and non-forcible sex offenses,
  • 3. Robbery;
  • 4. Aggravated assault;
  • 5. Burglary;
  • 6. Motor vehicle theft; and
  • 7. Arson

Students and employees should report occurring criminal offenses and all campus security issues to the Campus Director who is the designated Campus Security Authority of Metropolitan Learning Institute. Complaints against Metropolitan Learning Institute alleging non-compliance with the campus security regulations can be directed to the Department of Education who will assess the complaint and determine the appropriate response. Information about submitting reports of non-compliance is available at:

Student Records And Privacy Rights

Upon adequate notice, students have the right to inspect their educational records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. The Act also guarantees that these and other similar documents remain private; and states the conditions and circumstances whereby a student’s educational records may be shown to or shared with other parties. Student records contain information that are personal and confidential and will not be released to or discussed with, any individual or organization (except to agencies exempted under the law) without written consent from the student.

The following student records are maintained by the school for a period of five (5) years:

  • Attendance Records
  • Academic Progress and Grades
  • Placement Data
  • Enrollment Agreement
  • Financial Records
  • Record of credit/s given for previous training
  • Records of Meetings, Appeals, Disciplinary Actions and Dismissal
  • 8. Copy of Graduation Diploma/Certificate
  • 9. Medical Records submitted as proof of absence for a valid reason

Student records are maintained by the school secretary and are available for review at any time by the student. Students are encouraged to submit updates to their records, such as address, status, or financial aid changes. For a fee, students may obtain copies of their records upon request.

Student Injury

The following protocol should be observed at any time an illness or injury occurs at the Metropolitan Learning Institute campus or clinical learning site:

School Campus:

If at any time an illness or injury occurs at any MLI campus, the student must immediately notify the faculty or any member of the Administrative staff so emergency measures can be instituted. The 911 emergency contact number should be called if necessary and the student should be escorted out of the building to the ambulance with attending emergency medical personnel by any available administrative staff or faculty.

Clinical Learning Sites

It is essential that students carry their own health insurance to cover any illness or injury that may occur at a clinical site. The student must immediately notify the clinical instructor (or any faculty within the premises), so that appropriate emergency measures can be instituted. Emergency medical care shall be provided at the clinical site, if necessary.

It is the responsibility of the clinical instructor to notify the appropriate Campus Director and the President of the details of the injury or exposure.

Computer Use

The use of computer laboratory facilities is reserved exclusively for currently enrolled students, faculty and staff of MLI. Anyone using the facilities must abide by the following:

Software Copyright and Compliance

MLI licenses the use of its computer software from a variety of outside companies, and unless authorized by the software developer, does not have the right to reproduce it. It is MLI’s policy that employees, students and other users of the laboratory facilities shall use the software only in accordance with the license agreement.

Any student or employee found to be copying, downloading, acquiring or using unauthorized reproductions of computer software will be subject to disciplinary measures. Absolutely no unauthorized software may be installed on MLI’s computers. This includes games, plug-ins and training software.

Computer Systems and Networks

The school’s policy on computer systems and networks applies to all students enrolled at MLI. Computer systems and networks are provided for student use as a part of the institute’s academic program. All students have the responsibility of using computer hardware, software and networks in an ethical and lawful manner. Students who misuse MLI’s systems and networks may receive disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. In case of a dismissal, the student will be subject to the refund policy as outlined in the school catalog.

Examples that are prohibited and considered to be in violation of the school’s policy on student use of computer systems and networks include, but are not limited to:

  • 1. Sending obscene, harassing, intimidating and/or threatening messages via e-mail or other means,
  • 2. Viewing or downloading, displaying, printing, or otherwise disseminating materials that are sexually explicit, profane, obscene, harassing, fraudulent, racially offensive, defamatory or otherwise unlawful,
  • 3. Soliciting business, selling products, or engaging in commercial activities or personal advertisements,
  • 4. Providing others with access to one’s personal computer account(s), or attempting to gain access to computer accounts, files or system to which authorized access has not been granted,
  • 5. Attempting to circumvent or compromise the school’s computer security or the security of any remote system accessed through MLI equipment or networks,
  • 6. Creating or releasing computer viruses or engaging in other destructive or potentially destructive programming activities,
  • 7. Modifying, altering or tampering with systems hardware or software unless explicitly authorized to do so
  • 8. Copying for oneself or distributing to others commercial or other copyrighted software or proprietary data
  • 9. Using the school’s computers and/or networks to perpetrate fraud, misrepresentation or illegal activity; and
  • 10. Inappropriate or profane behaviors causing a disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings or other school activities.

Internet Usage

Students may be provided with Internet access to be used for training purposes only. The introduction of viruses or tampering with any computer system is prohibited. Any files downloaded from the Internet or attachments received with e-mails must be scanned with virus detection software before installation or execution. All appropriate precautions should be taken to detect and/or prevent the spread of viruses.

Students shall not place school material on any publicly accessible Internet computer without prior authorization. Alternate Internet Service Provider connections to the MLI Internal network are not permitted unless authorized and properly protected by a security device.

Unless otherwise noted, all software on the Internet should be considered copyrighted work. Therefore, students are prohibited from downloading software and/or modifying any such files without permission from the copyright holder.

Personal Telephone Calls And Visitors

MLI has a limited number of telephone lines, and it is essential that these lines remain open for customer calls. Therefore, students should limit their personal calls to emergency use only, or use their own cellular phone (but see below). Visits by friends or relatives can be disruptive to the school’s operations. Social calls and visits are strongly discouraged during class hours, unless on official school business. Cellular phone use is prohibited while classes are in session in all classrooms, laboratories and clinical learning environments.


The MLI bulletin boards are for everyone’s use and enjoyment. Notices on cultural events, academic and professional activities, job opportunities, training programs and FYI’s are regularly posted. All announcements (including notices that pertain to personal business such as seeking an apartment, reselling textbooks, selling personal effects and other similar information) must be officially approved for posting by the School/Program Director. Notices for commercial business are not permitted.

To maintain a neat, well-organized bulletin board, all notices must be typewritten, dated and signed by the person wishing to make an announcement. Contact information should be clear, such as address, phone number, fax or E-mail. Notices will be posted for two (2) consecutive weeks after which the announcement will be automatically removed. It is the student/staff’s responsibility to request for another extension if there is a need for additional posting days.

Every student must make an effort to regularly check the bulletin board for on-going activities, changes and significant information that may impact personal and/or academic progress in the program.